Identifying spurious correlations learned by a trained model is at the core of refining a trained model and building a trustworthy model. We present a simple method to identify spurious correlations that have been learned by a model trained for image classification problems. We apply image-level perturbations and monitor changes in certainties of predictions made using the trained model. We demonstrate this approach using an image classification dataset that contains images with synthetically generated spurious regions and show that the trained model was overdependent on spurious regions. Moreover, we remove the learned spurious correlations with an explanation based learning approach.
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Online clothing catalogs lack diversity in body shape and garment size. Brands commonly display their garments on models of one or two sizes, rarely including plus-size models. In this work, we propose a new method, SizeGAN, for generating images of garments on different-sized models. To change the garment and model size while maintaining a photorealistic image, we incorporate image alignment ideas from the medical imaging literature into the StyleGAN2-ADA architecture. Our method learns deformation fields at multiple resolutions and uses a spatial transformer to modify the garment and model size. We evaluate our approach along three dimensions: realism, garment faithfulness, and size. To our knowledge, SizeGAN is the first method to focus on this size under-representation problem for modeling clothing. We provide an analysis comparing SizeGAN to other plausible approaches and additionally provide the first clothing dataset with size labels. In a user study comparing SizeGAN and two recent virtual try-on methods, we show that our method ranks first in each dimension, and was vastly preferred for realism and garment faithfulness. In comparison to most previous work, which has focused on generating photorealistic images of garments, our work shows that it is possible to generate images that are both photorealistic and cover diverse garment sizes.
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This paper investigates how hate speech varies in systematic ways according to the identities it targets. Across multiple hate speech datasets annotated for targeted identities, we find that classifiers trained on hate speech targeting specific identity groups struggle to generalize to other targeted identities. This provides empirical evidence for differences in hate speech by target identity; we then investigate which patterns structure this variation. We find that the targeted demographic category (e.g. gender/sexuality or race/ethnicity) appears to have a greater effect on the language of hate speech than does the relative social power of the targeted identity group. We also find that words associated with hate speech targeting specific identities often relate to stereotypes, histories of oppression, current social movements, and other social contexts specific to identities. These experiments suggest the importance of considering targeted identity, as well as the social contexts associated with these identities, in automated hate speech classification.
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帕金森氏病(PD)是一种神经系统疾病,具有各种可观察到的与运动相关的症状,例如运动缓慢,震颤,肌肉僵硬和姿势受损。 PD通常通过评估运动障碍系统(例如运动障碍协会统一帕金森氏病评级量表(MDS-UPDRS))的评分系统来诊断PD。使用个体视频记录的自动严重性预测为无侵入性监测运动障碍提供了有希望的途径。但是,PD步态数据的大小有限阻碍模型能力和临床潜力。由于这种临床数据的稀缺性,并受到自我监督的大规模语言模型(例如GPT-3)的最新进展的启发,我们将人类运动预测用作有效的自我监督预训练的任务来估计运动障碍的严重性。我们介绍步态预测和损伤估计变压器,该变压器首先在公共数据集中进行预测以预测步态运动,然后应用于临床数据以预测MDS-UPDRS步态障碍的严重性。我们的方法的表现优于以前的方法,这些方法仅依赖于临床数据,从而达到了0.76的F1得分,精度为0.79,召回率为0.75。使用GaitForemer,我们展示了公共人类运动数据存储库如何通过学习通用运动表示来帮助临床用例。该代码可从获得。
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捕获恐怖主义群体中运营相似性的动态至关重要,为反恐和智力监测提供可操作的见解。然而,尽管其理论和实用相关性,目前缺乏研究解决这个问题。我们解决这个问题,提出了一种用于检测分享类似行为的恐怖组群集群的新的计算框架,专注于集团的年曲目的部署策略,攻击目标和利用武器。特别考虑到从1997年到2018年签署至少50次攻击的那些组织,总共占全球42,000多个活动的105组,我们提供三套结果。首先,我们表明,多年来,全球恐怖主义的特点是越来越多的运营凝聚力。其次,我们强调,在2009年至2018年,群体之间共聚类的年度达到稳定性,表明过去十年中相似模式的时间一致性。第三,我们证明,两个组织之间的操作相似性由三个因素驱动:(a)其整体活动; (b)业务曲目的多样性差异; (c)多样性和活动的综合衡量标准的差异。团体的运营偏好,地理性交和思想亲和力在确定操作相似性方面没有一致的作用。
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自动化数据驱动的建模,直接发现系统的管理方程的过程越来越多地用于科学界。 Pysindy是一个Python包,提供用于应用非线性动力学(SINDY)方法的稀疏识别到数据驱动模型发现的工具。在Pysindy的这一主要更新中,我们实现了几种高级功能,使得能够从嘈杂和有限的数据中发现更一般的微分方程。延长候选术语库,用于识别致动系统,部分微分方程(PDE)和隐式差分方程。还实施了包括Sindy和合奏技术的整体形式的强大配方,以提高现实世界数据的性能。最后,我们提供了一系列新的优化算法,包括多元稀疏的回归技术和算法来强制执行和促进不等式约束和稳定性。这些更新在一起,可以在文献中尚未报告的全新SINDY模型发现能力,例如约束PDE识别和使用不同稀疏的回归优化器合并。
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药物重新利用可以加速鉴定有效化合物用于针对SARS-COV-2的临床使用,并具有先前存在的临床安全数据和已建立的供应链的优势。 RNA病毒(例如SARS-COV-2)操纵细胞途径并诱导亚细胞结构的重组以支持其生命周期。可以使用生物成像技术来量化这些形态学的变化。在这项工作中,我们开发了DEEMD:使用深层神经网络模型在多个实例学习框架内的计算管道,以基于对公开可用RXRX19A数据集的形态分析来确定针对SARS-COV-2有效的推定治疗方法。该数据集由SARS-COV-2未感染的细胞和受感染细胞的荧光显微镜图像组成,有或没有药物治疗。 Deemd首先提取歧视性形态学特征,以产生来自未感染和感染细胞的细胞形态特征。然后在统计模型中使用这些形态学特征,以根据与未感染细胞的相似性估算受感染细胞的应用治疗疗效。 DEEMD能够通过弱监督定位受感染的细胞,而无需任何昂贵的像素级注释。 DEEMD确定已知的SARS-COV-2抑制剂,例如Remdesivir和Aloxistatin,支持我们方法的有效性。可以在其他新兴病毒和数据集上探索DEEMD,以便将来快速识别候选抗病毒药治疗}。我们的实施可在线网络
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